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Free Phone Number Marketing Templates









Rank: 1

Rumi01 发表于 2023-5-2 23:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We can also see a recommended word count. However, this word count is a lot less than the top two ranking articles, so we’ll try to write more  something like 3,500 words. Once we reach the word count, and have a grade of at least an A-, the post is ready. We can then transfer this into our CMS content management system and add images where needed. Boom, we’re pretty much done. We went after a keyword we knew we could rank for. We found the search intent. We chose a title. We created an outline. And, we wrote a keyword-rich blog post based on our outline. Now, let’s make sure we get some tech specs right for Google. 5. Getting the tech specs right This part should be fairly straightforward.

We want to make sure we have a few technical things down to improve user experience and give more information to Google. To improve user experience, you want to make sure that your blog page template is clean and easy to USA Phone Number List read and navigate. The main thing to get right is responsiveness. Your blog should look great on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Luckily, most website building tools do this automatically, and if you buy a website template chances are it’s already responsive. Next, when you add images to blog posts, you want to make sure that the file sizes are ideally JPG files under 100kb. You can search for image compression tools in Google and find a tool that does this for you. Before you upload an image in your CMS, you also want to make sure that the file name is relevant.


If I upload a picture of a rectangular coffee table, I want the image file name to be: rectangular-coffee-table.jpg You want to avoid uploading image files with weird names or strings of numbers and letters. This will help your images show up in Google image results. Finally, for images, you want to make sure each image has ALT text. ALT text basically tells people who are using page reading devices mostly used by those who are visually impaired what an image is about  this improves user experience. So for an image of a rectangular coffee table, I would set the ALT text to “an image of a rectangular coffee table.” Next, before you publish your blog post, you want to make sure that the URL is clean.


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